Weather- Huarere (the seasons)

The Maori word for Spring is- Koanga. 

Summer is- Raumati. The star associated with summer is called Rehua. Its scientific name is Antares. 

Antares is part of the Scorpius constellation ( and is a red 'super giant' star nearing the end of its life.)  

Autumn is Ngahuru. This is also the Maori word for 'harvest'. 

Winter is called Hotoke or Makariri. The Maori word for cold 
is also makariri. The star associated with winter is called Takurua or Sirius. 

Sirius is often called the 'Dog Star'.  It is in a constellation called Canis Major or the Greater Dog. It is one of the brightest stars seen from Earth.  

Winter is sometimes called Takurua (because of the star).   

This shows that Matariki are not the only important stars in the sky for Maori. Rehua and Takurua (and other stars) are also  important in the Maori world.  


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