Puanga- ever heard of it? What is the difference between Matariki and Puanga?

In some areas of the west coast of the North Island- Matariki or the Pleiades cluster cannot be viewed.  This is explained as being a 'quirk of latitude'.

Another star called Puanga stands out in this area. Its English name is Rigel and it is in the Orion constellation. It is a blue-white colour and is one of the brightest stars in the night sky. It is about twice as hot as the sun and 40,000 times brighter.  

Puanga is clearer in the north and this is why some iwi (mainly around the South Taranaki and Whanganui regions)  have traditionally celebrated Puanga as the arrival of the New Year. 

In the Whanganui area, the view of Matariki towards the sea is blocked by mountains and Puanga is simply easier to see. 

At twilight (early dawn) in those areas where both Puanga and Matariki are visible, Puanga can be seen about 30 minutes before Matariki. The further south you go this time lapse increases- for example in Southland the gap between the two is 45 minutes. 

Does that mean that Puanga is more important than Matariki? No-  Puanga heralds Matariki, and Matariki heralds the New Year.  


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